Let me tell y'all a little about myself...I am The Major's Apprentice(a.k.a @Tittykickers on Twitter and Jacksper2010 on FanFiction.net and Twiwrite). I am second in command here for The New Southern Wars. I run this place on very strict orders from Major Jasper Whitlock. There is no play time when it comes to life...human or vampire. This blog, this "thin'" as the Major calls it is going to let ya into our world, without giving positions away or sensative information, and what we do throughout our time. I really hope you enjoy...Onto what the site is actually about...
Mostly what ya are gonna find here is my rec's for some great FanFiction. Ones that I personally love and ones that come highly recommended by my commadre's. I'm not going to speak for my commadre's(cause the Major will probably rip my arms off...not a feelin' I want again, ever), but I will tell y'all that we(meanin' the Major and I) do not take lightly to insults of any kind. You will be thrown in the pyre before ya can even get ya second word out. *evilly grins*
What ya will see here may be disturbin' in nature, so if ya don't like it...don't fuckin' read it. I don't appreciate bashin' and neither does the Major. We have a united front with and against bullying in the fandom. We know how important works are to authors and we support them. Whether ya like it or not, shit will get posted. So, if ya want to email me that ya don't like it that's fine, if ya comment on a blog and it is offendin' it will be removed promptly. No if's, and's or but's about it. It will be taken down.
You can follow myself or the blog on Twitter at: @TittyKickers(individal) or @MajorApprentice. But if you have general comments, questions or concerns please fill out the contact form.
That is all for now...*salutes*